
Baboii born Alexandru Baboi, is a Dublin-based Romanian instrumentalist and producer who launched his artistic career in 2024 with the release of his debut single, March 11. Known for his engaging Instagram and TikTok reels featuring soulful guitar solos and grooves, he also documents his journey as a guitarist in Dublin on his YouTube channel.

Drawing inspiration from jazz, R&B, and funk, Baboii’s sound blends genres seamlessly, creating music that is both expressive and accessible. His motto, “Finished is better than perfect,” reflects his belief that music should be shared rather than endlessly refined, because it's true purpose is to be heard and enjoyed.

  • Khruangbin - White Gloves 

    Khruangbin is the band that opened my ear to music from around the world. This song, every single time I listen to it, takes me back in time to the Hanoi Airport in Vietnam, a moment that is special to me as I was at the end of my solo trip. The song’s simplicity is its greatest strength; it’s deeply expressive and sensitive, melting my heart every time I hear it. It is a reminder that music should not only be about proving yourself everyday, but rather a journey in which you discover yourself beat by beat. 

  • JusticeDer - Passionfruit

    This song is a cover from Drake, song that is part of my generation's popular culture. Yet, another instrumental song, JusticeDer is among the guitarist/producers that inspire me to keep creating and let go of egos and just create.

  • Tom Misch - Beautiful Escape

    I dont have words to describe how much I love Tom Misch's work. I take his music as my bible as I am trying to apply his technique when it comes to creating and releasing tracks. He started releasing music on SoundCloud and he released an album with just Beats which for me it is essential in developing my ears as a producer and an example that we don’t necessarily need to have the standard structure for the songs. Who makes the rules? YOU!

  • George Benson - Deeper Thank You Think

    I think everyone should know about George Benson, this guy went through all genres and can play the guitar like no one else. He is the GOAT of Smooth Jazz for me and an artist that I keep in my mind all the time. This song is special to me because it was an introduction to jazz, in a way, I just want to play lines like Benson and that's it. 

  • João Bosco - Incompatibilidade de Gênios

    I am forever grateful for Dublin because I got to meet Brazilians and what an amazing experience it has been since I discovered Brazilian Music. This '' balanço''  (groove) is called Partido Alto and thanks to this song I have developed my rhythm a lot when it comes to my right hand. Brazilian music lyrics are a reminder that we should not take everything too seriously. 

  • Pedro Martins - Não leve a mal 

    I have been listening to a lot of Pedro Martins recently, I am sure not many know who he is, but he is another Brazilian musician that is getting more recognition recently at Jazz Festivals. His approach to music is ethereal and I would not say it is something that inspired me, but it is there on a piedestal I once hope to reach.

  • Grelo - Só Fé 

    Another Brazilian artist that I believe he requires more recognition among the western world that we live in. His songs are in a way funny and full of energy, although I don’t understand the lyrics, I looked them up and as I said before, they are another reminder of how we should relax and slow down and not take everything too seriously. The name means ''Have Faith''

  • Scott McKeon - Fuse Box

    Scott McKeon is the reinvented Hendrix of this generation. His style in playing the guitar is reminiscent of the guitar god we all know, yet the perfection to which he has brought the genre is unrivalled. He inspires me a lot to get the funk out and put some fuzz on my guitar and experience some new realms of funk blues.

  • Tedeschi Trucks Band - Midnight in Harlem

    I think I am an old soul because I love these American Road vibes from Derek Trucks and his band. There are so many artists that wish to be 1% as expressive as Derek. Derek Trucks is another guitarist that I take as an example as he ventured a little bit in fusion, but he remained true to his blues and soul. I dream of playing gigs every night for years and be like these guys that take musicianship to the next level.

  • The Teskey Brothers - Jealous Guy

    If you haven't heard of Teskey Brothers yet, you really need to get into it fast because they are a soulful band, kinda on the same vibe as the Derek Trucks band, only that the amazing slide guitar playing has been replaced with a real voice this time. When I dream of myself singing, this is how I would like to sound.


Sleepy Days